How to Write a Funny Paper

7 Simple Tricks to Add Humor to Your Writing (without offending anyone)

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Better safe than sued

Do use

  • Good taste. (If your taste is questionable, get another opinion.)
  • Self-deprecation. You are a safe topic to joke about. Just don't overdo it or readers might find you pathetic. Poke fun at situations, stereotypes, and relatable habits.
  • A touch of humor. A little goes a long way.
  • Your own brand of humor. Be yourself. Use what makes you laugh. Be original.

Don't use

  • Sarcasm, putdowns or GROSS* (gender-bashing, racist, obscene, sexual, or swearing) humor. *from
  • Too much humor. We're talking blog posts and articles, not standup routines. Like adding garlic to pasta sauce without a recipe, finding the right humor dose takes practice. (Better to err on the low side while you adjust to your readers' taste buds.)
  • Humor aimed at other people, your competition, or disadvantages (unless you can speak from experience about the disadvantage, but even then be careful).
  • Forced humor. Don't try too hard to be funny. And never use other people's jokes.

Trick #1 — Psst

  • "Which is why a new page on Wikipedia about, say, twerking will automatically get a higher ranking than a page about it on your Auntie Jean's personal blog (which is a shame because Auntie Jean is one hell of a twerker)." ~Excerpt from a post by Glenn Long
  • "Samar Owais is a freelance writer and blogger. She loves writing (kinda goes without saying), road trips, and helping writers succeed in their freelance writing businesses." ~ bio from a blog post
  • "I swear (under pain of being whipped by a wet noodle) that I meet all five criteria to receive a scholarship from Jon!" ~ Excerpt from an email offer by Jon Morrow
  • "Pretend You're Van Gogh (You Can Keep Your Ear)" ~ subheading from an Ezine article by the managing editor

Trick #2 — Same sound sequence

  • Fred watched the crowd of attractive women on the beach.
  • Bert ogled the bevy of beautiful babes on the beach.

Trick #3 — Witty words and word tweaks

  • brouhaha, pandemonium, or hullabaloo instead of chaos
  • scamper, bustle, or skedaddle instead of hurry
  • hoodwink, dupe, or bamboozle instead of mislead

Trick #4 — Surprise ending

  • In titles like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles;
  • in expressions like "lights, camera, action";
  • and in classic jokes like the Englishman, Irishman, and Canadian.
  • In your bio: John Cleese — "writer, actor, and tall person"
  • In your tagline: Mother Reader — "The heart of a mother. The soul of a reader. The mouth of a smartass."
  • In a list: The Catcher in the Rye, Wuthering Heights, and Uncle John's Bathroom Reader

Trick #5— Gigantic proportions

  • "About two years into my blogging career, to my surprise and delight, my dream came true. One of my blog posts was tweeted by marketing superstar Guy Kawaski, who has a Twitter following roughly the size of France." ~ from a post by Mark Schaefer on his blog
  • "But any 30-second ad about generalized "build quality" in barns is likely to suck harder than a Dyson vacuum." ~ from a post by Brian Clark on Copyblogger
  • "It only got worse after I turned 50, as my metabolism seemed to have taken an early retirement. I now have to jog five miles just to work off a tic-tac I ate in the 90's. The only things that fit from my earlier years are my earrings." ~ from a post by Judy Carter on the Psychology Today blog

Trick #6 — Twisted cliché

  • Cliché: Where there's a will there's a way. Twisted: "Where there's a will, there's a family fighting over it." — Buzz Nutley
  • Cliché: A fool and his money are soon parted. Twisted: "A fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place." — Harry Anderson
  • Cliché: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Twisted: "If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you." — Mel Helitzer

Trick #7 — Déjà vu

What if

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