Funny Words That Start With the Letter H

Unique Words That Begin With the Letter H

The letter "h" isn't all that uncommon, but it's the first letter of quite a few really interesting words. Build your vocabulary by exploring a selection of unique words that start with "h".

alphabet letter h alphabet letter h

Interesting H Words To Describe Someone

There are many ways to describe people. One of these "h" words might provide you with a new way to do just that.

  • habitue - a person who frequently visits an establishment; a regular customer
  • hale - a person who is in better condition that one might expect, such as someone who is recovering quickly from a medical procedure
  • harpy - women who behaves in a shrewish manner
  • harried - stressed and rushed trying to get everything done
  • hawkish - wanting to act quickly in a militant or warlike manner
  • hellion - a mischievous troublemaker; often used to refer to children who misbehave
  • hireling - an individual employed to do menial tasks; a laborer
  • hoyden - a female who is loud and boisterous
  • harridan - an older woman who is bossy or difficult to deal with
  • hubris - extreme arrogance; a feeling that one is above consequences
  • humanitarian - a person who seeks to promote the common good or welfare of others
  • humgruffin - a person who is repulsive
  • hypercritical - an individual who is overly judgmental of others

Literary Terms That Start With H

A number of literary terms, including words for language usage and types of literature begin with the letter "h."

  • hagiology - area of literature focused on writings about the saints
  • haiku - Japanese poetry form with 17 syllables organized a specific way
  • hamartia - a flaw or characteristic that leads to a protagonist's demise
  • handlist - a list of items included in a collection, with a brief description of each
  • Homerology - the study of the life and works of the poet Homer
  • homonym - a word that has multiple meanings with no change in spelling or pronunciation
  • homophones - words that sound alike but are spelled differently and don't mean the same thing
  • hyperbaton - writing in which words are arranged in an unusual order (such as saying "tired he was" instead of "he was tired)
  • hyperbole - exaggerated assertions not intended for literal interpretation

Phobias That Start With H

There are many types of phobias, several of which have unusual sounding names that start with "h."

  • hamartophobia - the fear of committing a sin
  • harpaxophobia - fear of getting robbed
  • hedonophobia - fear of experiencing pleasure
  • hellenologophobia - fear of Greek or Latin words, including scientific terminology
  • hierophobia - fear of religious or sacred objects
  • hodophobia - fear of traveling
  • homilophobia - fear of sermons (being preached to)
  • hyelophobia - fear of glass
  • hypegiaphobia - fear of responsibility

Science-Related Fields That Begin With H

Quite a few fields of scientific study start with "h."

  • helcology - study of ulcers
  • heliology - study of the sun
  • helioseismology - study of the interior of the sun
  • helminthology - study of helminths, which are parasitic worms
  • hematology - study of blood
  • hepatology - study of the liver
  • herbology - study of using plants for medicinal purposes
  • herpetology - study of reptiles and amphibians
  • hippology - study of horses
  • histology - study of the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissue
  • histophysiology - the study of the physiology of animal or plant tissue
  • hypnology - the study of sleep
  • hypsography - mapping the Earth's topography; a specialized branch of geography

Medical Terms That Start With H

A number of medical terms begin with the letter "h."

  • haemal - relating to blood
  • hemianopsia - being blind in one eye
  • hemiplegic - being paralyzed on one side of the body
  • hemochromatosis - medical condition in which too much iron builds up in the body
  • hemoglobin - protein in blood that transports oxygen from the lungs and returns carbon dioxide to them
  • hemophilia - condition in which a person's blood doesn't clot properly
  • hemorrhagic - accompanied by bleeding (for example, a hemorrhagic stroke is a stroke that involves a bleed)
  • hypochondria - constant fear of having serious medical problems; extreme anxiety about one's health

More Unique H Words

Not every unique "h" word fits neatly into the categories above.

  • hackneyed - overused; repeated so much as to become stale
  • hagridden - troubled by anxiety or frightening nightmares
  • halcyon - peaceful, tranquil, without drama
  • haphazard - lacking organization or planning
  • harangue - aggressive criticism that goes on and on
  • hegemony - circumstances in which a dominant group exerts control over others
  • hieroglyphic - picture-based system of writing
  • hinterland - a remote area that is undeveloped
  • hirsute - covered with hair
  • horrisonant - having a dreadful sound
  • humicubation - lying prone on the ground
  • hypocorism - an affectionate nickname or pet name
  • hyrax - a small mammal also referred to as a rock rabbit

Examples of Unusual H Words in Sentences

While most of these words aren't ones that often come up in everyday conversations, they definitely have their place in writing and speaking.

  • Grandma is looking hale and hearty, so her recovery from hip replacement surgery must be going very well.
  • Since the planning was so last-minute and haphazard, I'm not surprised that the fundraiser didn't raise any money.
  • I am really tired of having family members harangue me about when I plan to have a child.
  • One of my best friends was diagnosed with hemochromatosis a few years ago.
  • I am very interested in natural remedies, so I planted an herb garden and signed up to take an herbology class.
  • My sister, who is studying to be a nurse, told me that histology is a fascinating subject.
  • Because Uncle Bob has hodophobia, we're going to have to go visit him at his house if we want to see him in person.
  • My cousin is such a hoyden that it causes me stress to spend time with her.
  • I don't like to listen to campaign speeches because they are so full of hyperbole.
  • I have been having so much trouble sleeping that I may volunteer to be a subject in a hypnology research project.


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