What Are Some Spanish Words That Start With W

Roll With It: Spanish Spelling Words with RR and R

R is the most notorious letter in the Spanish language.

For some, tongue rolling comes naturally while for others (both native and non-native speakers) it takes years to master. It's crucial to practice the letter as much as possible for improved Spanish pronunciation. One of the best ways to do so is with Spanish spelling words, and we're providing a ton of them here for you!

Spanish Spelling Words: Letters R and RR

The first step in learning the Spanish R is rolling your tongue. However, there is more to the R pronunciation than just trilling. There are actually two different ways to say this letter.

Soft R

  • When there is a single R in the middle of the word, it is pronounced with a light trill or a small flight of the tongue.

Hard R

  • The hard R is pronounced with a strong trill and is what most people think of with a Spanish accent. The hard R is used with:
    • A single R at the beginning of a word
    • A single R at the end of a word
    • An RR in the middle of the word.

For our Spanish spelling words today, we will be focusing on the hard R pronunciation at the beginning of a word and as an RR. Note that Spanish words never start with a RR; it is only found in the middle of words.

Spanish spelling words

Spanish Spelling Words that Start with R

To make the most of the following Spanish spelling lists, practice them as much as you can. Start with just a couple words and write them on a post-it note or a whiteboard. Constantly seeing the words you are trying to master will help you commit them to long-term memory.

Also, don't be afraid to practice spelling the words in Spanish out loud. It may seem weird at first to spell words to yourself, but it is a great way to practice outside of Spanish class. If you are using these lists with your kids or friends, quiz each other on your spelling.

Try to always spell the following words in Spanish. Whether you say the letters out loud or in your head, it's important to use the Spanish letter pronunciations to prepare yourself for when you are asked to spell something in Spanish. (It happens more often than you think, especially with names!) To get you started, here the pronunciations of the letters that appear most often in the lists below:

R: air-ray

A: ah

E: ay

I: ee

O: oh

U: oo

For the RR, you can either say air-ray air-ray or doble air-ray (double R).

RA- Words

Spanish English Pronunciation
4-letter Words
La raíz Root rah-eez
La rama Branch rah-mah
Raro Weird rah-roh
La rata Rat rah-tah
La raya Stripe rah-yah
La raza Race (ethinic group or breed) rah-sah
5-letter Words
El radio Radio rah-dyoh
La rampa Ramp rahm-pah
El rango Range, rank rahn-goh
El ratón Mouse rah-tohn
La razón Reason rah-sohn
6-letter Words
Rascar To scratch rahs-cahr
Rasgar To tear rahs-gahr
7-letter Words
Radical Radical rah-dee-kahl
La rapidez Speed rah-pee-dayz
Rasurar To shave rah-soor-ahr
Razonar To reason, rationalize rah-sohn-ahr
8-letter Words
Racional Rational rah-syohn-ahl

RE- Words

Spanish English Pronunciation
3-letter Words
La red Network, net rehd
La res Beef rays
El rey King ray
4-letter Words
Real Real, royal ray-ahl
Reír To laugh ray-eer
El reno Reindeer ray-noh
El reto Challenge ray-toh
5-letter Words
Recto Straight rayk-toh
Regar To water ray-gahr
La reina Queen ray-nah
El reino Kingdom ray-noh
El resto Rest, remainder rays-toh
6-letter Words
La rebaja Discount ray-bah-hah
El rebaño Flock ray-bah-nyoh
El receso Recess ray-say-soh
La receta Recipe ray-say-tah
El recibo Receipt ray-see-boh
El regalo Gift ray-gah-loh
La región Region ray-hee-ohn
Rendir To give up rehn-deer
El repaso Review ray-pah-soh
Reunir To gather ray-oo-neer
7-letter Words
Reabrir To reopen ray-ah-breer
Rebelde Rebellious ray-behl-day
La recargo Surcharge ray-cahr-goh
El rechazo Rejection ray-chah-soh
Recibir To receive ray-see-beer
Recoger To pick up ray-koh-hair
Reducir To reduce ray-doo-seer
Referir To refer ray-fair-eer
El refugio Refuge, shelter ray-foo-hee-yoh
Regañar To scold ray-gahn-yahr
El relleno Filling ray-yay-noh
Remover To remove ray-moh-bair
Reparar To repair ray-pahr-ahr
Repasar To review ray-pah-sahr
El repollo Cabbage ray-poh-yoh
El respiro Breath ray-speer-oh
Resumir To resume ray-soo-meer
El retraso Delay ray-trah-soh
El retrato Portrait ray-trah-toh
La reunión Meeting ray-oon-yohn
Revisar To review, revise ray-bee-sahr
8-letter Words
La reacción Reaction ray-ahk-see-yohn
La realidad Reality ray-ahl-ee-dahd
La rebelión Rebellion ray-behl-ee-yohn
Rechazar To reject ray-chah-sahr
Reciclar To recycle ray-see-clahr
Recordar To remember ray-cohr-dahr
El registro Record ray-hee-stroh
Regresar To return ray-gray-sahr
La religión Religion ray-lee-hee-ohn
Rescatar To rescue ray-skah-tahr
Resolver To resolve ray-sohl-bair
Respetar To respect ray-spay-tahr

RI- Words

Spanish English Pronunciation
3-letter Words
El río River ree-oh
4-letter Words
Rico Rich ree-koh
La risa Laugh ree-sah
El rito Rite, ritual ree-toh
5-letter Words
El ritmo Rythm reet-moh
El riñón Kidney reen-yohn
6-letter Words
El riesgo Risk ree-ays-goh
El rincón Corner reen-cohn
El ritual Ritual ree-too-ahl
Rizado Curly ree-sah-doh
7-letter Words
La riqueza Wealth ree-kay-sah
Risueño Cheerful ree-sway-nyoh
7-letter Words
Ridículo Ridiculous ree-dee-kooh-loh
Riesgoso Dangerous ree-ays-goh-soh

RO- Words

Spanish English Pronunciation
3-letter Words
El rol Role rohl
4-letter Words
La roca Rock roh-kah
Rojo Red roh-hoh
La rosa Rose roh-sah
La ropa Clothes roh-pah
Roto Broken roh-toh
5-letter Words
Robar To steal roh-bahr
Rogar To beg roh-gahr
6-letter Words
Rodear To surround roh-day-ahr
El romero Rosemary roh-mair-oh
Roncar To snore rohn-kahr
Rosado Pink roh-sah-doh
7-letter Words
La rodilla Knee roh-dee-yah
8-letter Words
El ronroneo Purr rohn-rohn-ay-oh
La rotación Rotation roh-tah-see-ohn

RU- Words

Spanish English Pronunciation
4-letter Words
Ruso Russian roo-soh
La ruta Route roo-tah
5-letter Words
Rubio Blonde roo-byoh
La rueda Wheel rway-dah
El ruido Noise rwee-doh
La ruina Ruin rwee-nah
El rumor Rumor roo-mohr
Rural Rural roor-ahl
6-letter Words
El rugido Roar roo-hee-doh
La rutina Routine roo-teen-ah
7-letter Words
Ruidoso Noisy rwee-doh-soh

Spanish Spelling Words that Contain RR

Spanish English Pronunciation
4-letter Words
La erre R air-ray
5-letter Words
El arroz Rice ahr-rohs
La barra Bar, rail bahr-rah
El burro Donkey boor-roh
El carro Car cahr-roh
El error Error air-rohr
La garra Claw gahr-rah
La gorra Hat gohr-rah
El jarro Jug hahr-roh
El perro Dog pair-roh
La torre Tower tohr-ray
El zorro Fox sohr-roh
6-letter Words
El ahorro Savings ah-ohr-roh
Arriba Up ahr-ree-bah
El arroyo Stream ahr-roh-yoh
El barrio Neighborhood bahr-ryoh
Borrar To erase bohr-rahr
Cerrar To close sair-rahr
El correo Mail cohr-ray-oh
Correr To run cohr-rair
La guerra War gair-rah
El hierro Iron yair-roh
Horror Horror ohr-rohr
Marrón Brown mahr-rohn
La tierra Land tyair-rah
7-letter Words
Aburrir To bore ah-boor-reer
Aferrar To grasp ah-fair-ahr
Agarrar To grab ah-gahr-rahr
Borroso Blurry bohr-roh-soh
El burrito Burrito boor-ree-toh
La carrera Race, career, major, road cahr-rair-ah
La carreta Cart cahr-ray-tah
El cigarro Cigar see-gahr-roh
El derrame Stroke, spill dair-rah-may
Irritar To irritate eer-ree-tahr
Ocurrir To occur, to happen oh-coor-reer
La pizarra Chalkboard pee-sahr-rah
El socorro Help soh-kohr-roh
La terraza Roof, terrace tair-rah-sah
7-letter Words
Aburrido Bored ah-boor-ree-doh
Arrancar To pull out ahr-rahn-kahr
Arreglar To fix, to mend ahr-ray-glahr
Arruinar To ruin ahr-roo-een-ahr
El barranco Ravine bahr-rahn-koh
El borrador Eraser bohr-rah-dohr
El cachorro Puppy kah-chohr-roh
Correcto Correct kohr-rayk-toh
Corregir To correct kohr-ray-heer
Corrupto Corrupt kohr-roop-toh
Derretir To melt dair-ray-teer
Encerrar To enclose ain-sair-rahr
Horrible Horrible ohr-ree-blay
El narrador Narrator nahr-rah-dohr
Susurrar To whisper soo-soor-rahr
Terrible Terrible tair-ree-blay
El torrente Torrent tohr-rain-tay
El zorrillo Skunk sohr-ree-yoh

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Spelling in Spanish Leads to Fluency

Spelling may seem like something just for elementary students or spelling bee champs. However, ortografía is an essential step to great writing and reading skills. This is especially true in a foreign language like Spanish, which has many cognates and false cognates.

If you are worried about using these Spanish spelling words with the letter R, don't stress yourself out. You do not have to be able to roll your Rs to master spelling with the R and RR. Quite the contrary, this is a great way to practice those tricky Rs!

Teaching Tips

If you want to use the spelling lists with your Spanish students or children, try these following ideas to make the learning process fun!

  • With preschoolers and lower elementary students, you can incorporate interactive crafts. Print out some coloring worksheets, trace words in sand, spell out words with letter blocks or magnets, and label objects around the house that start with R in Spanish.
  • For older students (and adults!) try some simple word games. Get out the family Scrabble game and play it in Spanish, or create an informal game with just a pencil and paper. If you're feeling ambitious, try making your own crossword with Spanish R and RR words.
  • Make up some fun songs, raps, or cheers with key Spanish vocabulary and have the children spell out some of the R words in Spanish.
  • Create a friendly competition by posting a short spelling list and seeing how many words your kids or students can memorize by the end of the week. Give them some extra incentive with a point chart or small prizes.
  • Of course, you can always host a Spanish spelling bee! Feel free to combine words from our other Spanish spelling lists to up the difficulty.

Learn how to roll your 'Rs' in Spanish with this youtube video!

Don't wait any longer! Master the Spanish R and RR today. Move through the spelling lists at your own pace, and you will soon become a Spanish spelling master! ¡Repasa las palabras con R y RR!

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Ashley Reid

What Are Some Spanish Words That Start With W

Source: https://www.spanish.academy/blog/spanish-spelling-words-with-rr-and-r/

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